This recently discovered and certified Jefferson Nickel Reverse Die Trial is unique and also the only known die trial for the entire Jefferson Nickel series.
It is a reverse die trial of a design for the Monticello that was not adopted. It was struck in copper with a diameter of .854 inches and the weight is 109.4 grains.
This die trial was designed by Anthony De Francisci, who designed the Peace Dollar which replaced the Morgan Dollar in 1921. De Francisci's models including this reverse design are in the Smithsonian and were donated by Teresa De Francisci.
This recent discovery was unknown to the numismatic community. It was discovered in an estate including coins and other numismatic items. I immediately purchased this die trial from another dealer upon certification by PCGS. It is now listed in Judd and is the plate coin for the 9th Edition. has given this piece the designation of JC1938-1.
This unique Jefferson Nickel die trial was featured on the cover of the third issue of Mint Error News Magazine. It was also featured on, and